In this post:

  • Fable’s Edge logo reveal

  • Designing the logo

  • Additional updates

Very excited to share the current working logo in today’s update. This logo was needed asap in order to file the proper trademark to protect the name and intellectual property. It also gives the game a soul.

There are several different versions of it including one with more decorative swooshes and fantasy elements, however the version above reads cleanest from a distance. There were many different takes and options in the mix before arriving here, but the above logo hit all the notes I was looking for. It may evolve as devlopment continues but for now it works perfectly.

Designing the Logo

Design-wise, It was imperative that the logo accomplish several things quickly:

  1. It must immediately communicate this is a fantasy/fairytale game

  2. It must include an emblem or icon that could exist on its own

  3. It must look and feel professional

Beyond the above imperatives, there are a number of other levels the logo works on:

  1. The sharp corners and edges of the custom font represent the sharpness and dangers of the fantasy world (i.e. the “edge” of Fable’s Edge)

  2. The center icon showcases our protagonist, Red Riding Hood, even including her curls for a little whimsy

  3. The arrow shafts and flutes that frame the top and bottom reflect her being a hunter

  4. The glowing gem at the bottom center hints at an unknown magic in this universe

Additional Updates

Beyond the logo, this past week has been spent continuing work on this Red Sixteen site, snagging domain names and social media handles for the studio and game title, and beginning to think through more specific combat and gameplay elements.

Will keep this update short and sweet for now - more to come.


